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Hi, I'm Linda Mans. I'm based in Nijmegen in the Netherlands. I have always been fascinated by the interplay of theory and practice. I studied Health Promotion/ Health Education as one of the disciplines within Health Sciences at Maastricht University. But it was Gender Studies that made me critically aware of existing norms and values that we (re)produce: in policies and in everyday life. 


Since then social justice and gender equity have been key drivers in the development of my professional career. I have had great opportunities to explore a wide range of topics in the field of (global) health and well-being. For example as co-rapporteur and member of the writing team of the Dutch shadow report to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women. Or as initiator and trainer of participatory video workshops, for example with young women in the Niger Delta as participants. And at Wemos​ as manager and coordinator of the successful European project ‘Health Workers for All’, which aimed to contribute to a sustainable health workforce world-wide.

As Manskracht I am able to combine a wide range of research and writing activities on health workforce developments, global health and gender equality/ women's rights.

In addition to my areas of expertise, supporting a 'Healthy Planet' has become a topic of interest and concern to me (i.e. One Health). Bird-watching, hiking and cycling have made me more aware of the delicate balance of biodiversity and the impact of our actions as a human population (not to mention the threat of climate change). The Gardening Project is an experiment in this regard, but it is also just fun to watch plants grow into vegetables or fruits.


Through Manskracht I’m keen to further explore the intersection of healthy people and a healthy planet, its socioeconomic dimensions and what practices and policies are needed at all levels (from local to global) to restore a good life in balance and harmony with Mother Nature. Find out more about my work through my current and past projects and in my blog.


© 2025 by Manskracht.

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